Véronique Bilodeau

I first stumbled across singer-songwriter Véronique Bilodeau back in May last year with the release of her debut auto-funded single "Sans les mots", an effortless and achingly-beautiful folk-tinged romantic ballad - or as Véronique's press dossier puts it oh so eloquently; <<...Le single Sans les mots [...] est une ballade folklorique - romantique fluide et douloureusement belle qui aborde la relation télépathique que certains couples partagent... Cette chanson se démarque vraiment par la voix confiante, flamboyante et veloutée de Véronique [...].>>
So having just recently compared Héra Ménard to - amongst others - Véronique, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that not only was Véronique a semi-finalist at this year's Festival international de la Chanson de Granby, but she also has a brand new song, "Moncton", once again posted on her Bandcamp page.

If "Sans les mots" touched on the telepathic bond that lovers share, "Moncton" suggests that all is - or more accurately, was - not well. It's an incredibly complex and cleverly constructed song. Subdued, at the onset there's a noticeable air of resignation, highlighted by the softened tones and simple acoustic guitar accompaniment. The lyrics portray a relationship that has run its course. There's no recriminations, just sadness; "Je suis partie pour Moncton, J’étouffais sans savoir pourquoi, Mais c’était toi, C’était nous..." / "I left for Moncton, I went to Moncton, I was suffocating without knowing why, But it was you, it was us..." But then there's a most noticeable change in tempo as the song bursts into life, there's a confidence in her voice; "...Notre amour, Comme une chapelle déserte, Où l’on ne prie même plus..." / "...Our love, like a deserted chapel, Where no one prays anymore..." - but these aren't melancholy reflections, it's a statement, an affirmation that it is time to move on... Véronique isn't running away to Moncton, she is starting afresh - no ties, no plans and most definitely nothing to lose.  

It appears that Véronique still hasn't been signed to a label - frankly I'm amazed (and actually just a little saddened). "Moncton" is as good as anything I've heard this year. I said it last year, I'll say it again this - Véronique Bilodeau is an artist that deserves to be heard by a far wider audience...

Véronique Bilodeau (Website - check out her blog!)



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